Rowan University Seeks Applicants

Greetings from NJ, I am the chair of Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education Department at Rowan University and writing on behalf of my colleagues Dr. Nicole Edwards and Professor Nanci Paparo, who are chairing a search committee currently hiring for 2 potential...
Update Email Address

Update Email Address

Just a reminder that most of our communication is done via email. We received several returned emails in our last outreach. Please update your email in your member profile if it is no longer valid. Thank You!
Membership Directory

Membership Directory

Just a reminder that our annual membership directory will be published soon. Please be sure your membership fees for this year ($55.00 due July 1, 2022) have been paid in full. Only those active and retired members with up to date accounts will be included in the...
Seeking Volunteers!

Seeking Volunteers!

The NCED Board is currently in the process of assembling a committee tasked with revising the NCED Exam. We are seeking volunteers who would be interested in serving on this committee. If you would like additional information or to be considered for this committee...
Letter from the NCED President

Letter from the NCED President

Hello Certificate Holders, I hope this post finds you and your family in good health and spirits. It is with great enthusiasm that I begin my year as President of NCED. I’d like to take a moment to welcome our newest NCED certificate holders who passed the...