Professional Development Opportunities

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FREE April Professional Development Opportunities

April 23, 2024

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST

Assessment of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Presenter(s): Dr. Goldstein

In this presentation, Dr. Goldstein offers a framework for the assessment of young children (eight years and younger) with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Learn to incorporate multiple sources of data through questionnaires and/or interactive play instruments such as the ADOS 2 and the BDI-3 to evaluate the five core domains of development involving adaptive behavior, social emotional functioning, communication, motor skills and cognitive development.

Register on the Riverside website here:

April 24, 2024
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST

NCED Sponsored 

Assistive Technology Assessment: Running Each Student’s Race Before Passing the Baton

Presenter(s): Dr. Kathleen Sheriff

Imagine running a race in your mind before you ever even get to the track. What can we do to support students in their individual races toward successful school participation? Suppose we plan from the locker room to the finish line for each student in need of assistive technology (AT)? Let’s talk, walk and then run through some steps necessary from supporting foundational skills to carrying a baton across successful barrier lines. Bring your imaginations along with your lunch for our AT Lunch & Learn Time Together!

Register Here:

April 25, 2024

1:00 pm – 2:00 pm CST

504 Q&A with Dave and Jose

Presenter(s): Dave Richards and Jose Martin

Frontline’s exclusive partners, and nationally recognized Section 504 attorneys, Dave Richards and Jose Martín, are available to answer your questions.

Join us for a live webinar on Thursday, April 25 from 1:00 – 2:00 PM CT.

When you register, you’ll have the opportunity to submit Section 504-related questions that Dave and Jose will use to guide the conversation.

Don’t miss out on a chance to get your questions answered by legal experts!

Register here:

Date: April 25, 2024

12:00-1:00 pm CST


Issues in Assessing Bilingual Students: One Size Does Not Fit All

Presenter(s): Dr. Pedro Olvera

In this webinar, we will delve into the reasons why traditional assessments often fail to provide accurate evaluations of bilingual learners. You will gain insights into the challenges that bilingual learners face during assessments and learn about best practices that can help ensure more equitable and effective evaluations. We will also explore practical strategies for assessing the language proficiency and academic abilities of bilingual learners in a fair and unbiased way. This webinar to be a valuable resource for improving the assessment process and promoting the success of bilingual learners.

Register Here:

April 29, 2024

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST

NCED Sponsored

Integrative Training for Educational Diagnosticians: Determining PSW for SLD or Educational Diagnostician Detective

Presenter(s): Dr. Marjason

Training for educational diagnosticians aiming to determine a Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses (PSW) for Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) involves a comprehensive understanding of assessment tools, data interpretation, and collaborative decision-making. The primary goal of this training is to equip educational diagnosticians with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively assess students for Specific Learning Disabilities (SLD) by identifying their Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses. The theoretical frameworks, practical assessment techniques, and collaborative problem-solving strategies to guide diagnosticians in determining PSW for SLD. Participants will engage in being a ” detective” and working though a case study for determining SLD using PSW.

Register Here:

Date: April 30, 2024

12:00-1:00 pm CST

An Exclusive Look at the new WJ 

Get an exclusive look at the upcoming new WJ V in a live webinar! 
This webinar will focus on the Woodcock-Johnson V Tests of Cognitive Abilities and Tests of Achievement; Standard batteries. The presenter will focus on the tests that comprise those batteries, with an emphasis on new tests for the fifth edition. We are so excited to share this innovative new assessment with you!

Register here:

FREE May Professional Development Opportunities

Date: May 3, 2024

12:00-1:00 pm CST


Coming Soon… A Sneak Peek at the WJ V

Presenter(s): Tammy L. Stephens, Ph.D.

The new WJ IV is being updated to a fully digital test battery. This session will provide a brief tentative update for the battery of tests. What to expect, and what to plan for. Please select your preferred date.

Register Here:

Date: May 6, 2024

11:00-12:30 pm CST

Contextual Reasoning: The Overlooked Form of Reasoning in Diverse Populations

Presenter(s):  Milton Dehn and Carl Romstad

The reasoning abilities of some diverse populations are often underestimated because of the traditional emphasis on abstract reasoning when assessing students who are struggling with academic learning. This presentation will explain contextual reasoning and the roles it plays in academic learning and daily life, followed by an introduction to a new standardized scale designed to measure contextual reasoning.

Register Here:

May 16, 2024

12:00 pm – 1:00 pm CST

NCED Sponsored

Norm-Referenced Test Interpretations: Ensuring Ecological Validity 

Presenter(s): Dr. Edward Schultz

Norm-referenced tests are a helpful tool in identifying learning disabilities. However, evaluators often rely too much on standard score interpretation. To ensure that the tests accurately describe classroom performance, they must be analyzed beyond the standard score level. This session will focus on three other types of analysis to make your tests more generalizable – task demand analysis, contextual analysis, and integrated data analysis.

 Register Here: 



NCED does not promote any one company, methodology, assessment tool/battery, or theory. We are simply providing an opportunity for professional growth which may be of interest to you.  Please note NCED does not take responsibility for the material presented or the presenters.  We only share the information to you as a resource.

If you are viewing PD opportunities that have been recorded  and do not receive an email confirmation denoting your attendance, you will be responsible for emailing the presenter to obtain confirmation of your attendance.

If you are unsure of whether or not the topic is applicable for PD hours, please contact the Professional Growth Chair at: